In the heart of Castilla-La Mancha
The land where the full potential of an excellent grape is wisely extracted.
Situación geográfica
Enraizados en esta tierra
Hace más de 60 años, decidimos plantar nuestras raíces en estos parajes únicos para vivir inmersos en una de las zonas de mayor producción de uva del mundo. Hoy, somos parte del tejido económico de Castilla-La Mancha como referente internacional en el mercado del tratamiento de la uva.
Where we are
ctra. Munera, 5 02600 Villarrobledo Albacete, Spain
We are in a strategic location: Castilla-La Mancha, one of the largest regions producing high quality grapes on a global scale. This proximity to the raw material guarantees us an abundance of supply and a large production capacity, to respond as quickly as possible, to the demands of our customers.In addition, we have a long-range logistics network by highway, rail, air and sea transport, which allows us to reach where necessary. From where we are, everything is an advantage.